

I'm working on programs for a wedding, and as usual, nothing has gone as planned. At Hobby Lobby, they don't have 80 sheets of ANY one paper, then I find out at the register that the 100 sheets of vellum I chose are NOT included in the 4 for $1 sale, so those have to go back. Once home, I start experimenting to solve the problem of how to make dull, flat cardstock beautiful.

I'll admit, I'm not a huge stamper. I just find them messy and often hard to control (you press too hard, you get spill over / too light, only a partial imprint), but for this project, stamping was the perfect solution. I turned boring paper into a unique foundation for the programs. The bride is using lots of roses, so I turned to one of my favorite crafting designers, Anna Griffin, for some beautiful, elegant clear stamps. Then I used ink that was a shade of the paper - something complimentary that would be subtle and not compete with the copy.

The great thing about this technique is that your stamping doesn't have to be perfect because it's a background or wall paper type design. The images aren't meant to be the center of attention, more like elevator music... Stay tuned for the final product. I think I'm going to add some Anna Griffin punches to the corners or header.